Saturday, December 17, 2011

Away in an UGLY manger...

Our Christmas tree was always beautiful. Lit with white lights and decorated with handmade kiddy ornaments. My little sister's green, red and white crochet string wound up each layer like a soft-serve ice cream cone. Since we didn't have a mantel, our stockings hung on the knobs of an antique cabinet to the right of the tree.

One year, Kim & I found a literal manger: a rough feeding trough that Daddy had built to put out for the deer. Retired now, it sat in the kindling pile. We pulled that tall, gray, ugly thing to the house and filled it with hay from the barn.  My parents let us bring it INSIDE. We dragged it across the carpet in the living room and set it to the right of the tree (in front of our pretty little stockings). The scene was then completed with a baby doll wrapped up in random bits of fabric.

A tall, crude manger: the focal point of the room. That Christmas forever changed the way I looked at the Christmas story. And now that its Christmas time, may the manger be the focal point of my heart.

I'll always be thankful for a Mom & Dad who let Jesus be the center of our family's Christmas.

(from the movie: The Nativity)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

remember to remember

I look out the window. It's a cool autumn day in southern Wisconsin. Scattered amidst the tall pine trees are bursts of color. Yellow, orange, red. Leaves lie scattered like confetti on the rich, green grass. The sky is a calm gray. A gentle breeze blows, rocking the forest to sleep. My soul takes a deep breath. I remember the Creator.

Back now to the duties of the day. Off to chase my little son, iron clothes and wash dishes. But I must remember to be still. To take those soul-breath moments. I must remember to remember Him all day long.

"Remember now thy creator..." (Ecclesiates 12:1)


Joys From my Daily Day...

Monday, October 17, 2011

strength for contentment

The intentional act of remembering His goodness brings heavenly perspective to my life. His benefits are all around me. May I always be a blessing-counter.

But contentment isn't something that I must pull out my own strength. Good thing, too, 'cause I just don't have any strength without Jesus. In fact, to rely on myself for joy isn't just futile, its sinful. For, "whatsoever is not of faith is sin."

All that to say, there is strength for contentment! We all love Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." But let's look's in the context of contentment. 

Paul says -

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to suffer need."

Ok, that's a big statement. So how did he do it? How was he contented in EVERY situation?
Next verse -

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

There it is. Strength for contentment.

At the risk of sounding like a self-proclaimed martyr, let me share from the heart. Due to our occupation, we live a life on the road. And though I don't care to admit it, sometimes this gypsy life gets to me. I never thought I needed "roots." I never thought traveling all the time would ever both me. But sometimes it just does. I didn't know my own weakness. And if I am not careful, the desire for a home of my own can become an idol of my heart. Comparison kills contentment. Why shouldn't I always be content with taking my shoes off for a while and resting in a borrowed home? Even the son of God had a borrowed tomb. 

But there is hope for me. There is joy for me in Christ. There is STRENGTH for contentment. Every day its there. Every day Jesus holds it out to me. Will I take it?

Beautiful strength, heavenly strength. Christ's own resurrection strength...for my contentment.


Blessing Counting:

this beautiful home to stay in

as always, thankful for this lil' guy

for laughter & hugs

the Word of God
and today, I'm especially thankful for Psalm 107

for the love of my life

Thursday, October 13, 2011

home on the road

stroller rides with Mommy in new neighborhoods

"helping" mom & dad pack up for the next destination

little stow-away

sacked out in the back seat

A little organization and "housework" makes me feel a little more at home...

whatever "kitchen" I have, it HAS to be clean

we made it! now its playtime!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

listen to the tone of my voice!

My little son doesn't speak English (other than "Mama"). In fact, he really doesn't understand the meaning of many words at all. And somehow, we communicate. I got to thinking, what is it that he understands? It's evident that we communicate with one another all day long. How do we demonstrate our love for one another? 

I talk to him just as though he knows exactly what I am saying. But in reality, all he understands is the tone of my voice, the look on my face and the touch of my hands. This is thought-provoking. May I never forget that his precious little ears are listening. My tone communicates volumes. 

What will I communicate through my tones today? He may not know what I'm saying on the phone as I drive along, when I'm talking to my husband, or even when I'm alone and talking to myself (don't do it too!). But my son will hear how I say what I say. 

Will it be a tone of gossip? Of discontentment? Of anger? Frustration? Irritation? Worry? Fear? Doubt? Strife?

Or will it be a tone that's gracious, kind, joyful, loving, thoughtful, thankful, edifying, trusting and peaceful? 

May the words of my mouth and the tone of my voice reflect the love of Christ to my sweet little son today. Jesus, may the intonation be yours alone. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

seaside and autumn


We stood on the shore today, our little family. Just a enough time to enjoy the breeze, feel the sand between my toes, and gaze at the gray-blue vastness. To think. He spoke. And it simply existed. Selah.

Small Boy's sense of wonder, his love of life and spirit of adventure spilled over in his smile. The whisper of the surf and the salty breeze were the background vocals supporting his cheerful little laugh.

We smile. My heart gives thanks for the love of God.


Accelerated pulse, pounding feet, swooshing hair. It felt good to jog.

Squirrels spastically gathering acorns, children laden down with school supplies slowly plodding home from school, and the random man out walking an inquisitive black lab. The change of leaves from green to red, the kiss of autumn in the air, harvest pumpkins and eery decorative spider webs. The hint of a wood stove teases me. Who would have thought the smell of a smokey stove would cause such a happy sigh?

"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." (Gen. 8:22)

Thank you, Lord, for the familiarity of the harvest.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

stuck-at-home mom?

Ever feel that way? It just dawned on me today that I haven't really gone anywhere at all for over three days. I do promise that those days were not been spent in my pajamas, leisurely eating bon-bons. Now that I'm a stay-at-home mommy I am busier now then I ever was working a "real job."

There's a temptation to complain sometimes. Maybe the temptation to be complacent? Apathetic? Or maybe just throw a pity party. You understand, ladies...especially you mom's out there with multiple kiddos...

Mounds of dirty laundry, snotty noses, dirty diapers, dirty dishes, mounds of clean laundry and toys all over the living room floor. There are bottles to wash, carpets to vacuum, trash to take out, sinks to wipe down and toilets to clean. 

But stop.
Each moment is fleeting. The clothes will wear, dishes will break, fibers will fade and the toys will all be packed away some day. Before we know it there will be no more bottles to clean. And then some kids left in the house to clean up after.

Satan would have us be depressed over the relentless march of time. He would have us so focused on the future that he would rob us of the here and now. The One who came that we "might have life" and that we "might have it more abundantly" would have us be thankful, recognizing each moment as a precious gift from Him. Each moment is fleeting. That is true. But each moment is MY moment. Its MY gift from Him to be used for His glory. You can't have my moments. And dear friends, I can't have yours. 

Let's take time to laugh with our little ones, play games and run races. Blowing raspberries and tickling tummies is a heavenly business. May we resolve to live as Christian women should: filled with thankfulness in each moment. 

So yes, we're "stuck-at-home moms." So what? We've been given the gift of embracing the 1,440 minute-gifts He's given us each and every day. Come on, ladies - let's live abundantly!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

a forgiven daughter of Eve

It happened again. I allowed my heart to wander from the One who cherishes me more than I could ever comprehend. Several days with a closed Bible and now a feeling of shameful emptiness. A loving tug at my heartstrings brings me back to His feet and there is peace...there is humility...there is joy. His forgiveness is astounding. Oh, how beautiful the Crimson River that washes sin away!

How can it be that God would desire communion with the likes of me? I was once the fallen daughter of Eve, now saved and made to stand by the blood of the only begotten Son of God. This blood makes me (Wonder of wonders!) the daughter God. And as His daughter He desires constant communion. Its awe-inspiring that the King of Kings would find joy in my laughter and pleasure at the sound of my meager offering of praise. The One who effortlessly measures the vastness of the galaxies with the span of His hand has condescended in love to me.

This is my story....this is my song...

Jesus, help me praise you all the day long!

(photo obtained through google images - website

Sunday, September 25, 2011

tiny trinkets in a mother’s handbag…

It’s a modest carryall, bereft of any name brand fineries. But it was a gift from a precious and loving soul and I cherish it. Filled to the brim and reminding me of Mary Poppins’ carpet bag, I am a bit disconcerted when someone has the unfortunate experience of having to venture into my purse to find something. Though cluttered, that jumbled bag harbors several little unassuming trinkets that are near and dear to my heart. Each bitsy whatnot filled with sentiment and serving as a reminder of the blessings in my life.  
In case you are wondering, I wasn’t transparent enough to include all the contents of my purse in this picture. J
Spoons…reminder of a tiny, bird-like mouth open in anticipation of his lunch
Cell phone…conversation and laughter with long-distance friends
Socks...chubby, kissable baby feet
Cosmetics…the God-given feminine love for beautiful things

Pacifier...cuddles with a sleepy little buddy
Wallet…the provision of the Lord for our every need
Pepper spray…the physical capacity to defend myself…look out, assailants!
Tide-to-go & hand sanitizer…scientific inventions that make my life so much easier...
Sunglasses...the warmth of the sun on my face

The act of blessing-counting fills my soul with such joy. Thank you, Jesus.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

the tiny, giant tree

Believe it or not, this is a Giant Sequoia. Passing this little shoot in the woods wouldn't cause anyone to stop and stare. The potential of the little plant isn't even a passing thought. But give it a few thousand years and what you see before you could become one of the largest trees in the world. 

When we were in California last month we did the tourist thing and bought a genuine Giant Sequoia. It summons a smile to my face as I pass by it's little homestead on our back porch step. How the Creator must smile, too, as He watches it grow. He is the only one who fully understands the potential of the plant. 

The tiny Giant Sequoia reminds me of the story of Gideon. Though he had a heart full of doubt and was a small man in his community, God chose him for a big task and called him by his God-given potential. 

"And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour." (Judges 6:12)

Even though our tree is tiny, we still call it a Giant Sequoia. Not because of it's current size and location, but because of what God created it to be; because of it's potential.

I'm encouraged by this tiny tree. I wonder exactly what giant potential God has wrapped up in each of our lives. But the thing about potential is that it remains potential unless we dare to step out and believe God for great and mighty things. 

blue orchids & baby food

Aren't they perdy? The stunning color of blue sitting on the kitchen table distracts me for a few seconds from the world around. They're such a lovely shade of blue. I'm thankful for these flowers that bring a pause in my spirit from the busyness around....and for the thoughtful husband that gave them to me.
As I fixed John's dinner this afternoon I was reminded of the joy of being a mother. After struggling with infertility, I am abundantly thankful for the gift of my son. Mushing bananas has a whole new meaning....I'm thankful for a baby to mush them up for:) 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

lots of random things:)

My boys:) They are the light of my life:) I especially love how much fun they have together.
And this picture makes me smile. They were very intently listen to our friend, Dr. Tim, talk! 
My niece's first birthday! She's such a blessing to us! I simply adore her. 
She was born on my birthday, that's even extra fun:)
Dried roses. So these should have rotated, but it didn't work. Anyway, they were hanging in the guest room of a friend's home that we stayed in this afternoon. They made me wonder, what was the occasion? Was it the gift of a lover? The gift of a friend? Roses gathered from the funeral of a beloved family member? They could tell a story, I'm sure...and they were special enough for someone to keep...and decorate remember. 
Classic books. They make the world a better place, don't they? And the fact that these all sport a bright red with gold lettering makes them all the more charming.
Cally, the butterfly chaser. Today I watched a friend's funny puppy chase butterflies through the yard. At first, I insisted that Cally and I were not friends. But after a few games of fetch we were buddies. She won me over.:)
John's hilarious facial expressions! He keeps us smilin'! What a guy:)

Perhaps a random list...but I am learning that intentional thanksgiving adds such joy to my day! 
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the precious gifts you give...large and small. You are so kind. Amen.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A God who hears me...who carries me...

I personally don't believe that people should wake up before 7:00 am:-) As you can tell, I am not exactly a morning person. We have to catch a flight at 5:45 tomorrow morning....and in short, that means I will pull my mug out of bed at 3 o'clock. I had to do this a few weeks ago to catch a flight and I remember that about the only prayer I could offer at that ridiculous time of "day" was "Lord, so tired. Need help." There were a lot of muddled thoughts behind those five words...but that's about all I could pull out of the ole brain. I love that God hears my prayers and He answers matter how simple they may be. I know He understands exactly what I mean when my pathetic, muddled and confused mortal brain turns towards Him.

"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." (Rom. 8:26)

I am also thankful that I don't have to face any day alone. Tomorrow won't be a bad day...just a sleepy one. But Jesus cares. Isn't that amazing? He cares enough to hear...He cares enough to carry me...

This tired little girl will trust Him to pick me up and carry me all the way to California tomorrow.

(photo through google images)

Friday, June 24, 2011

A big God...

When I stand and look at the ocean I am always amazed at how small I am and how big it is...then my thought transfers to something greater: 
The Creator of the Ocean. 
Why would I EVER doubt His power in my life? 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Four Years

June 2, 2007
(photo by Donna Smith)


First year of marriage

1st Anniversary:-)

2nd Year of Marriage

India trip


Many...many...many...miles of travel

Sometimes we're just silly:)
He's on his way:)

Still growing:)

January 5, 2011
Our little family

(photo by Steryous Photography)

John, our happy lil' guy!

Four years we are.

I love being your wife.
I love my life with you, my best friend.
I love YOU.

Happy Anniversary, Honey. You're the best:)