Wednesday, October 12, 2011

listen to the tone of my voice!

My little son doesn't speak English (other than "Mama"). In fact, he really doesn't understand the meaning of many words at all. And somehow, we communicate. I got to thinking, what is it that he understands? It's evident that we communicate with one another all day long. How do we demonstrate our love for one another? 

I talk to him just as though he knows exactly what I am saying. But in reality, all he understands is the tone of my voice, the look on my face and the touch of my hands. This is thought-provoking. May I never forget that his precious little ears are listening. My tone communicates volumes. 

What will I communicate through my tones today? He may not know what I'm saying on the phone as I drive along, when I'm talking to my husband, or even when I'm alone and talking to myself (don't do it too!). But my son will hear how I say what I say. 

Will it be a tone of gossip? Of discontentment? Of anger? Frustration? Irritation? Worry? Fear? Doubt? Strife?

Or will it be a tone that's gracious, kind, joyful, loving, thoughtful, thankful, edifying, trusting and peaceful? 

May the words of my mouth and the tone of my voice reflect the love of Christ to my sweet little son today. Jesus, may the intonation be yours alone. 

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