Tuesday, October 11, 2011

seaside and autumn


We stood on the shore today, our little family. Just a enough time to enjoy the breeze, feel the sand between my toes, and gaze at the gray-blue vastness. To think. He spoke. And it simply existed. Selah.

Small Boy's sense of wonder, his love of life and spirit of adventure spilled over in his smile. The whisper of the surf and the salty breeze were the background vocals supporting his cheerful little laugh.

We smile. My heart gives thanks for the love of God.


Accelerated pulse, pounding feet, swooshing hair. It felt good to jog.

Squirrels spastically gathering acorns, children laden down with school supplies slowly plodding home from school, and the random man out walking an inquisitive black lab. The change of leaves from green to red, the kiss of autumn in the air, harvest pumpkins and eery decorative spider webs. The hint of a wood stove teases me. Who would have thought the smell of a smokey stove would cause such a happy sigh?

"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." (Gen. 8:22)

Thank you, Lord, for the familiarity of the harvest.

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