Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Name's of God & Infant's Ibuprofen

There is such hope found in the names of God...and in the names of Jesus' Christ His Son. He has a great name. There is infinite power in His name. My heart is in awe at the name's of God. He is all this and so much more. My mind just can't comprehend Him. (image from rubber-stamp-shack.com - obtained through google images)

"...Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
(image from speaktheworknow.com - obtained through google

While there's no comparison to those things mentioned above...I was thinking about what I am especially thankful for today...and this sticks out in my mind: infant's Ibuprofen:) My little guy had shots today. He does FANTASTIC when he actually gets the shots. Its about 4 hours later that the screaming "bloody murder" starts. But so far he's doing ok...sleeping....and I'm thankful that he has baby meds to help with his chubby sore legs:) 

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