Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Mother!!!

Some call her "Ma'am"
Others "Mrs. Roby"
My daddy call's her "Babe"
Her brother says she's "Marcey"

Business counts on "Secretary"
Librarian knows "Regular"
God's Word named her "Christian"
Family says she's "Homemaker"

Kitchen calls her "Chef"
Laundry knows "Cleaner"
Bedroom says she's "Maid"
School room knew the "teacher"

My cousins call her "Aunt"
The grandkids dub her "Mammaw"
Her neighbor calls her "Friend"
My husband loves his "In-law"

To me she is "Confidante"
Understanding "Listener"
My heart knows "Faithful Friend"
And she's always been "Encourager"

She's got quite the resume
This list and far beyond
A qualified phenomena 
But best of all....she's "MOM":):):)

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