Monday, May 16, 2011

Gypsy life

Due to our vocation, we spend a lot of our lives "on the road." It has it's pros and cons. It's mostly work...not vacation. That's ok...we signed up for this:) But one of the best descriptions I've ever heard to describe our life is "a gypsy life." We will set up "house" in three locations this week alone. Then we will return home to a house that is also a temporary dwelling place. As a woman I love having roots...but I am continually learning that I can have roots....they just have to be put down deep in God. Home is a matter of perspective...

Today we have occupied ourselves while driving along with (among many other things) the world news on the radio and a session of me reading Sherlock Holmes aloud. I also learned how to play a cheesy little frog computer game.:) our gypsy son John has mostly occupied himself by snoozing today...

You should see the back of our truck. For that matter, you should see the inside of the truck. But amidst the the hang-up clothes, the car seat, the diaper bag, and the trash from our chic-fi-la will find a little family that's excited about what God has already done and what He is going to do.

We have two meetings scheduled later today. Only a little over an hour left in the car...then I'll step down from the gypsy caravan for a few days and set up camp until Wednesday. Call me crazy but I will love (almost) every minute of it.:)

So...I'm a gypsy, I guess. But I am secure with my strange identity...because I know I am secure in Christ.

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