Saturday, April 30, 2011 dwell in the dash!

I have a cemetery in my front yard. Well, just a few feet beyond my front yard.  In fact, its the view from my bedroom window. Kinda creeped me out at first. Especially one rainy morning when I opened the blinds to find a group of people at a grave-side service! But now it serves as an almost daily reminder to me of the brevity of life. Morbid? Not really. Just a fact. Each of the dear people lying there had a life just as real as mine. And each one of them has a soul that resides in either heaven or hell. What made the difference in their eternal destination? Simple. What they each personally chose to do with Jesus and His free gift of salvation while they resided on this earth.

Some of the graves are particularly interesting to me. Like this one -

Aren't our lives just like that?
Our name is there.
We exist. We are born.
We each have a dash (our life).
And then there's the end of our life on earth.

Most of the tombstones represent completed lives. They had their chance...their own gift of life...and now they dwell in eternity.

But for right now...I still dwell in the dash! And I want to make each day count for Christ!

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