Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm thankful...I'm not a princess.

Today was "The Royal Wedding" of Prince William and Kate Middleton. She looked stunning on this "fairy tale" sort of day. The whole world has been absolutely obsessed with the event for weeks. As beautiful as it all is...I wouldn't trade my life for Princess Kate's. I have a quiet life. I live in a normal brick ranch. I spend most of my days cleaning up house and doing laundry...but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

My husband is wonderful and I love that I'm the one that gets to love and care for him. Nobody else. Its my job. And I still get a kick out of the fact that I get to kiss him just because I can.:) I get to spend my life with my best friend. And there's no fear that paparazzi is going to push us apart.

My son keeps me on my toes all day. He's a "spitter" so I am forever changing his outfits, wiping up puke and washing spit up rags. But I love it. Days and evenings are spent picking up little rattles, rearranging the play mat and playing games like "peek a boo" with a laughing 4 month old. Every time I find a pair of of little socks lying on the floor, I smile. I smile because they are cute. But mostly I smile because of the little feet that fit into those socks. I smile because I have a sweet son to pick up after: a blessing not to be taken lightly.

The house isn't immaculate and I'm not a gourmet chef. But I try to work hard...and I feel so blessed.

I loved watching the exciting and beautiful event! I love a good fairy tale as much as the next girl;-) But though I'm genuinely happy for "the royal couple," I think their life pales in comparison to mine.

I would never trade my life with a princess.

(photo from obtained through google images)