Friday, June 27, 2014

When the Coffee Doesn't Cut It

Hey Girls,

It happened again. The kids went to sleep early and I saw the chance to be my own master of my time! I knew I should have gone to bed at 8:30 but that still feels so old. Besides, nighttime is the only quiet time we mamas know, right? So I stayed up until...ready for it? Whopping 11:00P.M.

Little Ace was up early (teething...why aren't babies born with teeth?). Now I'm exhausted. And the coffee didn't do its job.

I knew it was bad when I was in tears before 8am and my preschooler (sweetly) informed me that I should just "stay here" while he and Daddy went out this morning. *facepalm*

Whats the answer for days like this? Mornings when the coffee doesn't work?


I don't have the strength for the day. Good news, we were never told to "be strong enough." So many people love to say, "God won't give me more than I can handle." OR "God must think I'm strong to give me something like this." Where in the world do we get that idea?

Didn't the Master say (ever so lovingly), "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." (John 15:5) ?

So again, the pressure's off. I don't even have to be strong enough. He NEVER said that I had to be strong.

Here's what He did say: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Phil. 4:13).

He's the vine. I'm the branch. He's the life; He's the substance; He's the strength (for little dilemmas and big trials, too). I'm just gonna surrender, and dwell deep in the vine today...infused by His life, HIS strength.

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