Friday, June 27, 2014

Mundane matters...

I'm pretty sure people think my life is outrageously exciting. After all, how many white girls live in Asia? And on top of that, how many white girls raise kids in Asia? I'm sorry to burst the long-loved stereotype; but my life is pretty normal. Here's how it goes:

I drag myself out of bed. (I don't understand those completely obnoxious morning-loving people). I stumble to the coffee maker (and have trouble making coffee because everybody knows you can't make coffee before drinking coffee...why is that?!). Once I've  successfully made my "perfect cup" I may be in time enough to kiss my hubby before he heads off to work. The kids are already up, of course. But they aren't just awake; they're running. Running through the entire apartment. I try to string together a coherent sentence that will magically bring order to the situation....but unfortunately, I haven't had my coffee yet because its still too hot to drink. So I sit down and resign myself to the fact that the kids will continue to run wild for the next 15 minutes. The other option, of course, is Curious George (George and I are first-name-basis kind of friends).

Coffee finished...breathe in grace...sentence prayers...order established (for the next 5 minutes, anyway...).

Somehow the kids end up dressed and fed. My day is full of cleaning, tidying, washing clothes (and then wishing I had time to fold them). I've also mastered the 2-minute shower (I'm serious)! And because I know you're wondering, yes, I do shave every day. My Bible app reads life-giving words to me while I braid my hair in preparation for the 18389573526285 degree weather.

We giggle, play, correct misbehavior, sing, pick up toys, nap, cook, clean, hug, correct more misbehavior, mend boo-boos...

The house isn't spotless, but its generally tidy. My meals aren't Pinterest-creative, but they're edible. And the last hour before Michael gets home from the office is basically ETERNITY ILLUSTRATED (see photo below). 

Daddy arrives home to  be greeted by a frazzled remnant of his once very put-together college girlfriend (me, in case you're wondering...). He kisses my cheek, hugs the kids and joins in the team-effort to survive and thrive til bedtime. 

Now, add some language classes (and major language mistakes), cultural differences, power outages and bacteria-ridden tap water-type challenges and there you have life. 

And I wouldn't change a thing. You know why? Because it all matters. Because of the cross, my life matters. So does yours. My life happens to be one with a husband and kids. Yours may look very different than mine. But we are women. God wired us to be extravagant love-givers. And when its Jesus' love that floods our hearts to overflowing, that love is going to pour out into the mundane world around us and change lives for all eternity. I want my little boys' lives to be transformed by the love of God. And get this miracle of miracles, sister...He wants me to be the channel of His love into their young lives. I'm not looking to make history books. I just want Him to love through me. 

So girls - the pressure's off. We don't change the world. He does it through us...He loves the world through our mundane.  Relax. Drink deep from the well of grace. He's enough.

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