Thursday, September 29, 2011

stuck-at-home mom?

Ever feel that way? It just dawned on me today that I haven't really gone anywhere at all for over three days. I do promise that those days were not been spent in my pajamas, leisurely eating bon-bons. Now that I'm a stay-at-home mommy I am busier now then I ever was working a "real job."

There's a temptation to complain sometimes. Maybe the temptation to be complacent? Apathetic? Or maybe just throw a pity party. You understand, ladies...especially you mom's out there with multiple kiddos...

Mounds of dirty laundry, snotty noses, dirty diapers, dirty dishes, mounds of clean laundry and toys all over the living room floor. There are bottles to wash, carpets to vacuum, trash to take out, sinks to wipe down and toilets to clean. 

But stop.
Each moment is fleeting. The clothes will wear, dishes will break, fibers will fade and the toys will all be packed away some day. Before we know it there will be no more bottles to clean. And then some kids left in the house to clean up after.

Satan would have us be depressed over the relentless march of time. He would have us so focused on the future that he would rob us of the here and now. The One who came that we "might have life" and that we "might have it more abundantly" would have us be thankful, recognizing each moment as a precious gift from Him. Each moment is fleeting. That is true. But each moment is MY moment. Its MY gift from Him to be used for His glory. You can't have my moments. And dear friends, I can't have yours. 

Let's take time to laugh with our little ones, play games and run races. Blowing raspberries and tickling tummies is a heavenly business. May we resolve to live as Christian women should: filled with thankfulness in each moment. 

So yes, we're "stuck-at-home moms." So what? We've been given the gift of embracing the 1,440 minute-gifts He's given us each and every day. Come on, ladies - let's live abundantly!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

a forgiven daughter of Eve

It happened again. I allowed my heart to wander from the One who cherishes me more than I could ever comprehend. Several days with a closed Bible and now a feeling of shameful emptiness. A loving tug at my heartstrings brings me back to His feet and there is peace...there is humility...there is joy. His forgiveness is astounding. Oh, how beautiful the Crimson River that washes sin away!

How can it be that God would desire communion with the likes of me? I was once the fallen daughter of Eve, now saved and made to stand by the blood of the only begotten Son of God. This blood makes me (Wonder of wonders!) the daughter God. And as His daughter He desires constant communion. Its awe-inspiring that the King of Kings would find joy in my laughter and pleasure at the sound of my meager offering of praise. The One who effortlessly measures the vastness of the galaxies with the span of His hand has condescended in love to me.

This is my story....this is my song...

Jesus, help me praise you all the day long!

(photo obtained through google images - website

Sunday, September 25, 2011

tiny trinkets in a mother’s handbag…

It’s a modest carryall, bereft of any name brand fineries. But it was a gift from a precious and loving soul and I cherish it. Filled to the brim and reminding me of Mary Poppins’ carpet bag, I am a bit disconcerted when someone has the unfortunate experience of having to venture into my purse to find something. Though cluttered, that jumbled bag harbors several little unassuming trinkets that are near and dear to my heart. Each bitsy whatnot filled with sentiment and serving as a reminder of the blessings in my life.  
In case you are wondering, I wasn’t transparent enough to include all the contents of my purse in this picture. J
Spoons…reminder of a tiny, bird-like mouth open in anticipation of his lunch
Cell phone…conversation and laughter with long-distance friends
Socks...chubby, kissable baby feet
Cosmetics…the God-given feminine love for beautiful things

Pacifier...cuddles with a sleepy little buddy
Wallet…the provision of the Lord for our every need
Pepper spray…the physical capacity to defend myself…look out, assailants!
Tide-to-go & hand sanitizer…scientific inventions that make my life so much easier...
Sunglasses...the warmth of the sun on my face

The act of blessing-counting fills my soul with such joy. Thank you, Jesus.