Friday, November 9, 2012

It was easy to love Him when my world was neat and clean. It was simple, sitting in my old brick Ranch, complete with porch swing and lush yard. When the church building sat just across the way; full of smiling faces and hugs from friends. Counting blessings was a light task with the mountains turning colors out my windows. When I sat in the middle of everything familiar. Everything comfortable.

Then it happened. The stripping away of things familiar. Remembering the way things once were. It wasn't so much the missing of particular things, but the missing of familiarity. The raging desire for anonymity. 

Realization: Frailty and weakness, my frame. Self-sufficiency, my bent. Joylessness, my choice.

Still, He waited. 

The realization of my own utter impossibility gave way to Abundant Living.

Savior, Sustainer, Sanctifier. 

I am nothing. He is...

Simply, Everything