Friday, November 9, 2012

It was easy to love Him when my world was neat and clean. It was simple, sitting in my old brick Ranch, complete with porch swing and lush yard. When the church building sat just across the way; full of smiling faces and hugs from friends. Counting blessings was a light task with the mountains turning colors out my windows. When I sat in the middle of everything familiar. Everything comfortable.

Then it happened. The stripping away of things familiar. Remembering the way things once were. It wasn't so much the missing of particular things, but the missing of familiarity. The raging desire for anonymity. 

Realization: Frailty and weakness, my frame. Self-sufficiency, my bent. Joylessness, my choice.

Still, He waited. 

The realization of my own utter impossibility gave way to Abundant Living.

Savior, Sustainer, Sanctifier. 

I am nothing. He is...

Simply, Everything

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Several things I love about South Asia...

1. Hospitality: We Americans have such a tendency to "meet and eat" at restaurants. Of course, there is generally good reason...we save lots of TIME and ENERGY. We value these savings, since the culture itself mercilessly demands those two things. But I find the general joy to entertain guests very refreshing. Here the emphasis is on relationships, not time. And while I sometimes have to shut the little frustrated beeping stop-watch up inside me...I am happy to experience a place that emphasizes friendship over punctuality.

2. Spicy Foods: I am sorry to disappoint, but mild salsa in a Mexican restaurant does NOT qualify as "spicy food." ;-)

3. Produce: I don't buy my vegetables and fruits in a supermarket. They are sold fresh on my street every a good price!

4. Women's Clothing: I've gladly traded in my blue jeans and button up blouses for long, tunic tops and comfy, light weight pants.

5. Thrifty shopping: Don't like the price? Barter a little. 

6. Less-stress on punctuality: Traffic is bad (notice its NOT on my list of things I love) if you're a little late, its simply no big deal. 

7. Floor cleaning: There is a drain in my kitchen and bathroom floors. Spill something in the kitchen? No biggie. Just pour some floor cleaner and fresh water down and squeegee towards the drain. Voila! 

8. The cultural adoration for children: My son is never a bother. His cheeks are often stroked by passers-by and the people are very understanding towards the little (and sometimes big) mistakes toddlers make. 

9. Chai: I ADORE you, Starbucks, but Chai doesn't come in a teabag.

10. Chinese food: Haha....seriously, I've never found a Chinese restaurant in America that beats the ones over here. Its SO yummy! :) 

Don't get me wrong, here. I love my home country. I'm a patriot. And I am also not blinded to the many problems and inconsistencies you can find in EVERY society. Culture shock has violently BEAT down my door on some days. But I am learning something very important: just because my home country does something one way doesn't mean its necessarily the RIGHT way. Much of culture is preference and familiarity.

After all, if we were all the same wouldn't the world be boring? 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

the Excited Savior

In 21 days we're getting on an airplane for 14 hours to relocate (for work) to the other side of the world. With all the packing and sorting, tossing and storing, my mind is always busy. And, if I'm not careful, anxious. So before I went to bed last night I sat at His feet and asked for something fresh from Him.

What in the world could encourage and calm my heart more than His smile? In the particular passage I read, I found Him happy....excited....and in fact, leaping up and down for joy. Doubt it? Read on....

Luke 10:21 says, "In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit..."

The word "rejoiced" in this verse is translated from the Greek word, antalliao, meaning "to exult, leap for joy, to show one's joy by leaping and skipping, denoting excessive or ecstatic joy and delight." 

"Could the word simply mean He rejoiced in His heart? Possibly, but the essence of the word agalliao is when chara (rejoicing, gladness) gets physical." (Moore)

So, with His smile, His pleasure, His uncontainable joy bubbling over....

with these thoughts....

I put my head on the pillow and fell into a peaceful sleep. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Quiet Place

"The white noise of humming traffic; a wood saw in the neighbor's garage; birds chirping softly; a buzzing bee; rustling of the bushes; crunching of leaves by a hidden little critter; the scratching noise of my jacket against the paper as pen glides across page; the creaking of the porch swing rocking back and forth...

It is here that He finds me today. 'Find' is perhaps the wrong word. I will just be honest. He has known where I have been every moment of the day. But it is here where I have paused to listen to the voice that is always speaking softly, tenderly to me. What does He say, you ask?

It is our quiet place. It is, therefore, our secret. "