Friday, June 24, 2011

A big God...

When I stand and look at the ocean I am always amazed at how small I am and how big it is...then my thought transfers to something greater: 
The Creator of the Ocean. 
Why would I EVER doubt His power in my life? 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Four Years

June 2, 2007
(photo by Donna Smith)


First year of marriage

1st Anniversary:-)

2nd Year of Marriage

India trip


Many...many...many...miles of travel

Sometimes we're just silly:)
He's on his way:)

Still growing:)

January 5, 2011
Our little family

(photo by Steryous Photography)

John, our happy lil' guy!

Four years we are.

I love being your wife.
I love my life with you, my best friend.
I love YOU.

Happy Anniversary, Honey. You're the best:)